Aa Meaning? Synonyms, Antonyms and Sentences Examples

Aa Meaning?

AA Meaning

AA can have multiple meanings depending on the context. Commonly, it stands for Alcoholics Anonymous, a worldwide fellowship for individuals struggling with alcoholism. In another context, it refers to Associate of Arts, a type of college degree. It can also denote Anti-Aircraft in military terms or Author’s Alteration in publishing, indicating changes made by the author after the initial submission.


Alcoholics Anonymous

Associate of Arts


Author’s Alteration

Accredited Agency

Affirmative Action

American Airlines

Audible Alarm

Adjusted Average



Non-alcoholic support

Bachelor’s degree


Final manuscript


Oppressive action


Silence mode


Manual response

Short Sentence Examples

He attended AA meetings to overcome his addiction to alcohol.

She earned an AA degree before transferring to a four-year university.

The military installed new AA defenses to protect the base.

The editor noticed an AA in the manuscript that needed approval.

AA offers support and guidance for those recovering from alcoholism.

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