CCIP Insurance Meaning:
CCIP Insurance, or Contractor Controlled Insurance Program, is a policy purchased by a contractor to provide coverage for all parties involved in a construction project, including subcontractors. It consolidates general liability, workers’ compensation, and excess liability under one program, ensuring cost efficiency and comprehensive risk management throughout the project’s duration.
Synonyms for CCIP Insurance:
Contractor-managed insurance
Construction liability program
General contractor insurance
Controlled insurance plan
Comprehensive construction coverage
Contractor liability program
Project insurance policy
Centralized risk coverage
Contractor group insurance
Managed construction insurance
Antonyms for CCIP Insurance:
Subcontractor-controlled insurance
Owner-controlled insurance program (OCIP)
Individual liability insurance
Decentralized insurance plans
Worker-provided insurance
Non-comprehensive insurance
Separate coverage plans
Fragmented insurance policies
Independent contractor insurance
Limited liability coverage
Example Sentences:
The construction firm opted for CCIP insurance to streamline project coverage.
CCIP insurance ensures that all subcontractors are covered under a single policy.
By using CCIP insurance, the contractor can better manage construction risks.
The CCIP program reduced insurance costs for the large-scale building project.
Contractors often use CCIP insurance to simplify claims and liability issues.