CIAM Meaning? Synonyms, Antonyms and Sentences Examples

CIAM Meaning?

CIAM Meaning

CIAM stands for the Congrès International d’Architecture Moderne (International Congress of Modern Architecture), which is a group of architects and urban planners who advocate for modern architecture. Established in 1928, CIAM was instrumental in shaping the modernist movement by promoting functional, minimalist designs and efficient urban planning. It aimed to address societal needs through architecture and urban design, emphasizing the role of architecture in improving everyday life.

Synonyms for CIAM

Modernist movement

International architecture congress

Architectural forum

Urban planning association

Modern architecture group

Design symposium

Architectural collective

Progressive architecture society

Functionalist architecture network

Global architecture conference

Antonyms for CIAM

Traditional architecture

Classical architecture

Historical design

Baroque architecture

Art Nouveau

Neo-classical design

Postmodern architecture

Antiquated building styles

Old-fashioned urban planning

Conventional architecture

Short Sentence Examples

CIAM played a pivotal role in shaping modern architecture throughout the 20th century.

The CIAM members believed in functional, simple designs that serve society’s needs.

CIAM’s principles focused on the efficient use of space and natural light in urban planning.

Many modern cities were influenced by CIAM’s progressive approach to architecture.

The CIAM conferences gathered architects to discuss innovative solutions for modern living.

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