Lemon Car Meaning
A lemon car refers to a vehicle that is defective or problematic, often due to manufacturing flaws or frequent mechanical issues. These cars fail to meet quality or performance standards despite being new or lightly used. Lemon laws exist to protect buyers, allowing them to seek refunds or replacements for such vehicles.
Synonyms for Lemon Car
Defective Vehicle
Faulty Car
Problematic Vehicle
Junk Car
Substandard Automobile
Dud Car
Malfunctioning Vehicle
Flawed Vehicle
Broken-Down Car
Bad Car Deal
Antonyms for Lemon Car
Reliable Car
Quality Vehicle
Smooth-Running Car
Dependable Automobile
Perfect Vehicle
Fault-Free Car
New Condition Car
Flawless Automobile
Sturdy Vehicle
Well-Performing Car
Short Sentence Examples
The dealership sold him a lemon car that broke down in two weeks.
Lemon laws help protect consumers from defective purchases like a lemon car.
Her lemon car constantly needed repairs, costing her a fortune.
He realized it was a lemon car when the engine failed twice in a month.
The lemon car caused endless frustration until it was replaced under warranty.