Spoiled Brat Meaning? Synonyms, Antonyms and Sentences Examples

Spoiled Brat Meaning?

Spoiled Brat Meaning

A “spoiled brat” refers to a child or young person who exhibits entitled, demanding, or selfish behavior, often due to excessive indulgence or lack of discipline from parents or guardians. Such individuals may struggle to handle disappointment or accept limitations, as they are accustomed to having their desires immediately fulfilled.

Synonyms for “Spoiled Brat”

Entitled child

Overindulged kid

Pampered child

Selfish youngster

Demanding kid

Indulged child

Ungrateful child

Over-coddled kid

Privileged youngster

Overprotected child

Antonyms for “Spoiled Brat”

Grateful child

Well-behaved kid

Disciplined youngster

Humble child

Respectful kid

Well-mannered child

Self-sufficient youngster

Appreciative child

Polite kid

Cooperative youngster

Short Sentence Examples

“The spoiled brat threw a tantrum when she didn’t get her way.”

“Parents should avoid overindulging to prevent raising a spoiled brat.”

“He acted like a spoiled brat, refusing to share his toys with others.”

“Teaching responsibility can help correct spoiled brat behavior.”

“The spoiled brat expected everyone to cater to her every whim.”

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